Course Information

Start a career as a HIPAA Auditor and work with businesses and in the medical field by assessing the workplace for HIPAA Compliances. Most HIPAA Auditors work with a consulting firm or have their own practice as a consultant for HIPAA Compliances. In this course, you will learn everything you need to obtain a successful career as a HIPAA Auditor. HIPAA Audits can cost companies from as little as $5,000 to upwards of over $100,000 for an onsite HIPAA Audit making it a highly compensatable career. This program is taught by a HIPAA Auditor with a wealth of experience in the field in order to ensure a high quality educational outcome.

Course Instructors: Manuel Morales, MS

Course Number: 103216

Course Availability & Fee(s)

This course is available 24x7x365. All materials and instructions are available online.

Course Fee: $649.00
Textbook: N/A
Certification: $0.00 (Digital Download); $10.95 (Printed Certificate)

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