Course Information

Legal Assistants are highly skilled professionals who work in a legal setting to perform tasks ranging from specialized legal work to generalized office duties. They often work in settings such as law offices, government agencies, and large corporations. Legal Assistants often work directly underneath a lawyer and make-up a part of a legal team. A Certified Legal Assistant often makes between $45,000 to $65,000 a year depending on the setting and experience of the Legal Assistant. This program is taught by a lawyer with a wealth of experience in this field in order to ensure high quality educational outcomes.

Course Instructors: Peter Barry, JD

Course Number: 103213

Course Availability & Fee(s)

This course is available 24x7x365. All materials and instructions are available online.

Course Fee: $249.00
Textbook: N/A
Certification: $0.00 (Digital Download); $10.95 (Printed Certificate)

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