Course Information

Certified Weight Loss Management Specialists help their clients to not only achieve their weight loss goals, but to help them maintain a healthy weight. Upon successful completion of this course, you will have the necessary knowledge to have a successful career as a Weight Loss Management Specialist. Often times, those who complete this program will either have their own practice or work for a firm. On average, a Certified Weight Loss Management Specialist will earn about $49,000 a year. This program is taught by a medical doctor and a weight loss professional in order to ensure high quality educational outcomes.

Course Instructors: Dr. Geoff Angeles and Christa Bester, BS

Course Number: 103209

Course Availability & Fee(s)

This course is available 24x7x365. All materials and instructions are available online.

Course Fee: $149.00
Textbook: N/A
Certification: $0.00 (Digital Download); $10.95 (Printed Certificate)

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